Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When someone shows you who they are, please believe them...

Funny how life throws some stuff at you and says, "Here, catch this one if you can..." 

 I was muddling through with the person that I had been seeing. Just muddling as it seemed that he slowed down his pace when it came to asking me to get married. He was hiding behind the response of his youngest daughter, well, maybe not actually her response as she didn't even know that we had been seeing one another... He said that she wouldn't be ready. That she wouldn't understand. That she needed more time to adjust to being around me and my daughter.

Problem is, my daughter is looking for a nuclear structure to attach herself to and that setup would make her feel like she'd found it while giving him the comfort of playing house sans the commitment. What's a girl to do?


But that's not exactly how it went down.  I went to a women's conference for my union and there he was. He was tall, attractive and funny and he was sitting right at my table. He mused on life, work, union issues, and plans of finding a wife. Excuse me? Did you say wife? Not playmate for your daughter or someone to call up to hang out, but wife? I almost wanted to take his picture as you just hear that anymore.

So this has eased me out of my dead end relationship and even if this guy isn't the one, he's a nice placeholder that reminds me that there is someone out there for me who doesn't want me to compromise my wants for his.